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The Best Parade from the Best Base in Dublin

Seeing the St Patrick’s Day in Dublin has to be on most people’s bucket list. While there are parades all over the world on March 17th, and in every town and village in Ireland, the big one is in Dublin City.

Five Star Fabulousness

The Fitzwilliam Hotel Dublin is slap bang in the middle of everything but walk through the doors and you’re in a quiet cocoon of sanity and style.

See what five star fabulousness awaits you during your unforgettable visit to Dublin.

Book Now

Don't Miss A Thing

The St. Patrick’s Day Festival in Dublin is a begins at 12.00pm on Monday March 17th.

The theme for this year’s St. Patrick’s Festival and Parade is ‘Eachtraí’, the Irish word for Adventures, which represents the unique essence of Ireland and of Irish people.


Toast To Himself

So you’re in Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day. The one thing you absolutely, positively must do is to raise a glass of something to the great man: A toast to St Patrick himself.

To celebrate all things Irish: Our Inn on the Green bar has an incredible gin menu this year.

Inn on the Green